In five appointments to the Supreme Court, Eisenhower added conservatives, moderates, and a liberal, believing the President and courts should represent all the American people.
Editor's Note: Susan Eisenhower, a consultant and expert on international policy and security, has recently published
In five appointments to the Supreme Court, Eisenhower added conservatives, moderates, and a liberal, believing the President and courts should represent all the American people.
Editor's Note: Susan Eisenhower, a consultant and expert on international policy and security, has recently published
In many ways, the Constitution as we know it results from their landmark decisions.
A half-century ago Chief Justice Earl Warren retired from the Supreme Court, marking the end of the Warren Court in 1969. In many ways, the Constitution as we know it today is the result of judgments handed down in the 16 years after President Eisenhower appointed Warren to be Chief Justice.
In many ways, the Constitution as we know it results from their landmark decisions.
A half-century ago Chief Justice Earl Warren retired from the Supreme Court, marking the end of the Warren Court in 1969. In many ways, the Constitution as we know it today is the result of judgments handed down in the 16 years after President Eisenhower appointed Warren to be Chief Justice.
The strange story behind the most cited case in American history: THE MIRANDA DECISION
The strange story behind the most cited case in American history: THE MIRANDA DECISION
Seen in its proper historical context—amid the height of the Cold War—the investigation into Kennedy’s assassination looks much more impressive and its shortcomings much more understandable
In September 1994, after doggedly repeating a white lie for forty-seven years, the Air Force finally admitted the truth about a mysterious 1947 crash in the New Mexico desert.
America looked good to a high school senior then, and that year looks wonderfully safe to us now, but it was a time of tumult for all that, and there were plenty of shadows along with the sunshine
It was a very good year. Certainly it was if you were seventeen. I was a senior in high school in 1954, a member of the class of January 1955, at Lincoln High School in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Dear Chief: It is coming up on twenty-five years since, fresh out of law school, I reported for duty as your clerk on the Supreme Court.
A quarter-century of judicial history, as seen—and made—by our only retired Supreme Court justice, a man whose allegiance to the Constitution often forced him to act against his personal preferences.
POTTER STEWART CAME TO the Supreme Court in 1958, appointed by President Eisenhower at the age of forty-three.
Behind-the-scenes records reveal how the Supreme Court reached its fateful desegregation decisions