Some men see the beginnings. The conquistador who first saw the Mississippi also took the Inca highway to fabulous Cuzco.
As slaves, Cabeza de Vaca and his companions were forced to cope with native North America on its own terms, bridging two worlds that had remained apart for 12,000 years or more.
After half a millennium we scarcely feel the presence of Spain in what is now the United States. But it is all around us.
On their weathered stone battlements can
be read the whole history of the three-century
struggle for supremacy in the New World
No city has more energetically obliterated the remnants of its past. And yet no city has a greater sense of its history.
The Revolution might have ended much differently for the Americans if it weren’t for their ally, the Spanish governor of Louisiana, who helped them wrestle the Mississippi valley from the British.
One innovation profoundly changed—and prolonged—the culture of the Plains Indians