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John G. Neihardt State Historic Site

John G. Neihardt State Historic Site

Nebraska's poet laureate John G. Neihardt called Bancroft, Nebraska home from 1900 to 1920, and it was in this building that he wrote many of his works.

The building was erected on this site in the 1890s for August Hartman and used as a residence by various owners until 1964. Poet John G. Neihardt rented the building from 1911 through 1920 for a study. Here he wrote his lyrics, prose, and part of the epic A Cycle of the West.

The study is the only structure remaining from the original property on which John Neihardt lived and worked. It consists of only one room, which is furnished today much as it might have been when Neihardt used it. Although it is not open for entry, during times when the museum is open, the door is open allowing a wide view. In addition, the ample windows allow clear views of every part of the room.

Guests can also visit the interpretive center and walk in the Sioux Prayer Garden. Among the many objects on exhibit in the memorial room are items Lakota Holy Man Black Elk gave to Neihardt over the course of their friendship, including the sacred hoop of the world, a drum, and a pipe.

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