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National Civil War Naval Museum

National Civil War Naval Museum

Located in Columbus, Georgia, the National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus is the only museum in the country that features both the Union and Confederate navies. Inside the museum lay the remnants of two Confederate warships: the hull of the CSS Muscogee, destroyed in in Chattahoochee River by Union soldiers in April 1865, and the remains of the CSS Chattahoochee, scuttled by Confederate soldiers to avoid its capture in December 1864.

Newer exhibits simulate Civil War naval battles and depict the harsh conditions for Union and Confederate sailors. In addition, "Ramparts to Topmast: Flags of Triumph and Despair" covers the naval history of the Civil War through a collection of naval flags from both sides. These flags complement the sizeable collection of uniforms, equipment, and weapons in the 40,000 square-foot museum.


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