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    History in 7th Jan

  • Millard Fillmore born

    13th President Millard Fillmore is born in Cayuga County, New York. Fillmore, the last Whig President, was elected Vice President after running with Zachary Taylor in 1848 and ascended to the presidency in 1850 following Taylor's death.

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  • Impeachment trial begins

    The impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton begins in the United States Senate, with Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding. After the House of Representatives passed two articles of impeachment on December 19, 1998, the Senate would need a two-thirds majority to convict Clinton.

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  • US recognizes Castro

    The United States officially recognizes Fidel Castro's revolutionary government in Cuba, six days after it had seized power. Castro had ousted Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, and later began to embrace both comprehensive land reforms and the Soviet Union.

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