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    History in 11th Jan

  • Alexander Hamilton born

    Founding Father Alexander Hamilton is born in Charlestown on Nevis, an island in the Caribbean Sea. Hamilton emigrated to New York before the American Revolution, joined a New York militia unit, and later became George Washington's chief-of-staff. In the new republic, Hamilton signed the Constitution and served as the first Secretary of the Treasury under Washington.

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  • Roosevelt establishes the Grand Canyon as a NM

    President Theodore Roosevelt designates the Grand Canyon as a national monument. 11 years later, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Grand Canyon National Park Act, officially securing Grand Canyon as the 15th national park.

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  • Battle of Fort Hindman

    At the Battle of Fort Hindman, the combined Union army and naval force captures the fort, also named Arkansas Post. Fort Hindman sat above the Arkansas River and provided reinforcements and supplies to Vicksburg. Its capture claimed 5500 Confederate prisoners.

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