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    History in 18th Jan

  • Daniel Webster born

    American politician Daniel Webster is born in Salisbury, New Hampshire. A Whig for much of his political career, Webster served two stints as Secretary of State, where he negotiated the Webster-Ashburton Treaty with Great Britain to settle the Maine-Canada border. Representing Massachusetts, Webster distinguished himself as one of the most influential United States Senators in American history.

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  • Cook discovers Hawaii

    British Captain James Cook becomes the first European to discover the Hawaiian islands when his HMS Resolution enters Waimea Harbor on Kauai. Cook named the Hawaiian islands the "Sandwich Islands" in honor of the 4th Earl of Sandwich. On a return trip to the Hawaiian islands, Cook was killed during a dispute with a native Hawaiian clan. 

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  • Paris Peace Conference opens

    The Paris Peace Conference begins between the leaders of the Allied Powers. Following the November 11 armistice on the Western Front, President Woodrow Wilson, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, and Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando discussed how to reimburse the victors and divide the conquered territory around the world.

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