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    History in 20th Jan

  • Iran Hostage Crisis ends

    The Iran Hostage Crisis ends as the 52 American hostages are released into United States custody, ending the 444-day ordeal. The previous day, American and Iranian officials agreed upon the Algiers Accord, granting the release pending the activation of Iranian assets. Incidentally, the hostages were released on the same day that Ronald Reagan is sworn into office. 

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  • FDR inaugurated

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the first President to be inaugurated on this day, as established by the Twentieth Amendment. Since Roosevelt, every President has been inaugurated on January 20 on the steps of the United States Capitol. 

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  • Battle of Millstone

    American Brigadier General Philemon Dickinson leads a force of New Jersey militia against a British foraging party at the Battle of Millstone in northern New Jersey. Also known as the Battle of Van Nest's Mill, the American victory proved the potential of American militia, which would start the 1777 Forage War between militia and British and Hessian soldiers.

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