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    History in 27th Jan

  • UGA founded as first public university

    The Georgia General Assembly establishes the University of Georgia, forming the first public university in the United States. The Board of Trustees chose to build the university in Athens, and the first class graduated in 1804.

  • Samuel Gompers born

    British-American labor leader Samuel Gompers is born in London. Gompers, a cigar maker by trade, began his work as a labor advocate as president of the Cigarmakers' International union before helping to found the American Federation of Labor in 1886.

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  • Paris Peace Accords signed

    Former Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., and Secretary of State William P. Rogers sign the Paris Peace Accords with representatives from South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong, which issues a ceasefire in Vietnam. The treaty stipulated the removal of American military personnel from Vietnam, the Vietnamese withdrawal from Laos and Cambodia, and the release of American prisoners-of-war.

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