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    History in 30th Jan

  • FDR born

    32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt is born in Hyde Park, New York. Roosevelt, the only president to serve more than two terms, spearheaded the New Deal to combat the Great Depression, and commanded the American war effort during World War II.

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  • First presidential assassination attempt

    During the first assassination attempt on a sitting U.S. President, Andrew Jackson narrowly escapes harm as Richard Lawrence, a mentally unstable painter, unsuccessfully fires at Jackson as he leaves the Capitol.

  • Tet Offensive begins

    The Tet Offensive begins in South Vietnam as North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers launch surprise attacks against South Vietnamese and American forces. The attacks, initiated during the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, violated a negotiated cease fire for the holiday. While American and South Vietnamese forces repelled the attacks, they could not prevent a strategic blow to the war effort.

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