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    History in 3rd Feb

  • 16th Amendment ratified

    Delaware becomes the 36th state to ratify the Sixteenth Amendment, making it U.S. law. The amendment allows Congress to levy income taxes without directly apportioning the revenue to the states.

  • Horace Greeley born

    Horace Greeley, the founder and editor of the New-York Tribune, is born in Amherst, New Hampshire. Greeley represented New York in Congress during the 1840s, ran against President Ulysses Grant as a Liberal Republican in 1872, and was one of the most influential American journalists before, during, and after the Civil War.

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  • Housatonic sunk, relations severed with Germany

    Days after Germany resumes its unrestricted submarine warfare in the Atlantic Ocean it torpedoes and sinks the Housatonic, an American cargo ship, in the Bay of Biscay. Following this attack, President Woodrow Wilson announces the end of diplomatic ties with Germany.

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