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    History in 6th Feb

  • Ronald Reagan born

    40th President Ronald Reagan is born in Tampico, Illinois. Reagan, a Hollywood actor by trade, entered public office when he was elected as Governor of California in 1966, and later won the presidency in 1980. On this day in 1985 during his State of the Union address, he advocated the support for democratic movements fighting communism across the world, which was dubbed the "Reagan Doctrine."

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  • Massachusetts enters the Union

    Massachusetts ratifies the U.S. Constitution, entering the Union as the sixth state. A year earlier, Shays Rebellion in the western part of the state proved the ineffectiveness of the Articles of Confederation government, prompting the Constitutional Convention.

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  • Babe Ruth born

    George Herman Ruth, better known as "Babe", is born in Baltimore. Ruth, widely considered the greatest baseball player of all time, became one of the first American sports celebrities for his on-field success and off-field personality. Originally a starting pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, Ruth eventually became one of the most dominant power hitters in baseball history.

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