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    History in 21st Jul

  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Confederate forces defeat an overconfident and ill-prepared Union army in the First Battle of Bull Run.
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  • Scopes "Monkey" Trial ends

    The Scopes "Monkey" Trial ends. The case helped spark a national debate about teaching evolution versus creationism in the classroom.
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  • First Battle of Manassas

    Union and Confederate forces clash outside Manassas Junction, Virginia, at the First Battle of Bull Run. The first major battle of the Civil War, the Union leadership believed it would triumph in a single battle and capture Richmond, the Confederate capital, but a humiliating defeat at Manassas thwarted those plans.

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  • Ernest Hemingway born

    Famed American writer Ernest Hemingway is born in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway covered both the Spanish Civil War and World War II for American newspapers, and based many of his novels off his experiences traveling in Europe and Africa.

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