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    History in 25th Jul

  • First Railroad accident

    The railroad had its first accident due to a snapped cable, resulting in one death and several serious injuries.

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  • Mussolini out

    Italian dictator and Axis leader Benito Mussolini is voted out of power and then arrested.
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  • Invasion of Puerto Rico begins

    The American invasion of Puerto Rico begins following a naval bombardment of the island. The invasion, led by General Nelson Miles, avoided the heavy Spanish and Puerto Rican defenses as over 1,300 soldiers landed at Guánica on the southern coast.

  • Henry Knox born

    Continental Army General Henry Knox is born in Boston, Massachusetts. One of George Washington's closest military advisers, he became the Continental Army's chief artillery officer following the Battle of Bunker Hill and was later appointed to become Washington's first Secretary of War.

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