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    History in 28th Nov

  • FDR attends Tehran Conference

    President Franklin Roosevelt meets with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Josef Stalin at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran, Iran to discuss military strategy and the possibility of opening a second front in Europe. Iran was important to the Allies because it allowed the American and British supplies to be passed to the Soviet Union.

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  • Battle of Cane Hill

    Union forces led by Brigadier General James G. Blunt defeat a smaller Confederate force at the Battle of Cane Hill in northwestern Arkansas. The Union victory helped secure northern Arkansas despite numerous Confederate attempts to drive Federal soldiers from the state. 

  • First American car race

    The Duryea Motor Wagon wins the first American automobile race, beating five other racers in a 54-mile race from Chicago to Evanston, Illinois, and back. In the year following the race, the Duryeas sold more automobiles than any other American company, certainly helped by winning the Chicago Times-Herald road race. 

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