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    History in 4th Dec

  • Senate approves UN Treaty

    With a 65 to 7 vote, the Senate approves the United Nations Charter, ratified on October 24. Following the failure of the League of Nations to prevent World War II, American leadership was vital to the formation of the UN. 

  • President Bush orders troops to Somalia

    President George H. W. Bush sends 28,000 American soldiers to Somalia to lead the Unified Task Force (UNITAF) protect United Nations humanitarian relief in Somalia. Somali war lords had been using the threat of starvation as a political tool, threatening UN aid workers and seizing food imports. 

  • Washington says farewell to his officers

    General George Washington announces his retirement to his Continental Army officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York City. Three weeks later Washington would resign his commission in Annapolis and return to Mount Vernon, where he stayed until he led the Constitutional Convention and was elected President in 1789.

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