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    History in 15th Dec

  • Bill of Rights ratified

    Virginia becomes the tenth state to ratify the Bill of Rights, putting the first ten amendments into law. In 1789 Congress sent twelve amendments to state conventions to be ratified, but only ten would be approved by a 2/3 majority of the states.

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  • President Carter announces recognition of People's Republic of China

    President Jimmy Carter announces that the formal diplomatic recognition of the People's Republic of China will commence on January 1, 1979, ending 30 years of diplomatic avoidance. While President Richard Nixon had first opened talks with Beijing in 1973, Carter officially shifted American foreign policy to accept the Communist government in Beijing as the legitimate Chinese government. 

  • Battle of Nashville

    Union forces led by Major General George Thomas attack the Confederate Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Nashville. Nightfall prevented the Federal army from exploiting a breakthrough, but Thomas resumed his assault the following day, almost completely destroying the Confederate army.

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