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    History in 19th Dec

  • Washington leaves for Valley Forge

    General George Washington encamps the Continental Army at Valley Forge for the winter. Lacking sufficient clothing, food, and medical supplies, over 2,000 men die from diseases but the Continental Army would emerge a well-disciplined force the following spring.

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  • Henry Frick born

    American industrialist Henry Clay Frick is born in West Overton, Pennsylvania. Frick discovered a way to turn coal into coke for easier manufacturing, founded H. C. Frick & Company, and later merged with Carnegie Steel Company. After a checkered business career that included an attempt on his life, Frick donated land that became Frick Park and converted his art collection into the Frick Art & Historical Center in Pittsburgh.

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  • Bill Clinton impeached

    The House of Representatives passes two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice following the Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones scandals. Clinton became the second president to be impeached, following Andrew Johnson, but neither man was convicted and removed from office.

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