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    History in 22nd Dec

  • Congress passes the Embargo Act

    With the support of President Thomas Jefferson, Congress passes the Embargo Act of 1807 into law. The act effectively ended American trade with France and Great Britain as both countries fought over Europe during the Napoleonic Wars. Jefferson believed economic coercion would end hostilities towards American commercial vessels but the act sufficiently stagnated the American economy.

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  • General McAuliffe replies, "Nuts"

    In response to a German request for surrender during the Siege of Bastogne, Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe, the acting commander of the 101st Airborne Division, replies "Nuts!" The 101st had been surrounded by German forces during the Battle of the Bulge and despite their numerical disadvantage, held control of Bastogne in eastern Belgium until a Third Army counteroffensive helped push back the Nazi units.

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  • Sherman delivers present to Lincoln

    After capturing Savannah, Georgia, General William T. Sherman sends President Abraham Lincoln a telegraph reading, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah."

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