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Old Blue Eyes Slept Here

February 2025
1min read


Planning a visit to Palm Springs? Want to make sure you don’t miss such landmarks as the Riviera Resort, “where Sinatra organized several big charity shows featuring such fun-loving pals as wacky comedian Jerry Lewis and fellow swooner-crooner Bing Crosby,” or Riccio’s Restaurant, where he “felt most comfortable in the early '7Os"? Then get a copy of All the Stops Along the Way—The Places Sinatra Loved, the People He Knew , a brochure available for $2.00 from the Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention and Visitors Authority, 69-930 Highway 111, Department FS, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. It covers 30 Old Blue Eyes-related locations and is packed with endearing nuggets of inside information (the swimming pool at his second home had to be moved because guests at the bar kept falling in; his best friend, July Rizzo, rests close by him at Desert Memorial Park).

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