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    History in 4th Jan

  • Operation Carpetbagger begins

    The Office of Strategic Services and Army Air Corps begin Operation Carpetbagger in occupied Europe. The operation air-dropped weapons, ammunition, and supplies to guerrilla fighters in France, Italy, and the Low Countries resisting Nazi and Fascist occupations.

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  • Utah enters the Union

    "The Beehive State", Utah, enters the Union as the 45th state. Initially settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1840s, Utah had sought admission to the Union but was not approved until the 1890 Manifesto reformed Mormon laws and policies in the Utah Territory.

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  • LBJ announces Great Society

    During his State of the Union address President Lyndon B. Johnson announces his Great Society plan to fight poverty and racial injustice in the United States. Johnson's vision later included legislation to secure Medicare, environmental and consumer protection, and increased funding for education. 

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