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    History in 5th Jan

  • Babe Ruth sold

    The Boston Red Sox sell Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees for $100,000. Ruth, considered the greatest baseball player of all-time, had led Boston to three World Series titles and would later set the records for home runs in a season and career home runs. Following the sale, Boston would go 84 years without winning another title.

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  • Eisenhower Doctrine announced

    In response to increased hostilities in the Middle East following the Suez Crisis, President Dwight Eisenhower announces a shift in American Middle East policy, known as the Eisenhower Doctrine. The doctrine allowed the United States to defend, aid, and supply friendly Middle Eastern states that faced Communist aggression.

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  • Stephen Decatur born

    American naval hero Stephen Decatur, Jr. is born in Sinepuxent, Maryland. Decatur would lead naval vessels during the Barbary Wars, the Quasi-War with France, and the War of 1812. For his heroism and leadership in battle Decatur was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

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