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    History in 30th Jul

  • In God We Trust

    President Eisenhower signs law establishing "In God We Trust" as the official motto of the United States
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  • Medicare created

    President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Social Security Act of 1965, establishing both the Medicare and Medicaid insurance programs.

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  • Baltimore founded

    The town of Baltimore is founded at Locust Point, where the Maryland colonial General Assembly established a shipping a port in 1706. The largest city in Maryland  is named after Lord Baltimore, the first Governor of the Province of Maryland.

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  • Battle of the Crater

    After detonating an underground mine below the Confederate lines at Petersburg, Union soldiers cannot exploit the hole in the Confederate lines in the Battle of the Crater. The failed Federal assault solidified the stalemate, and the Siege of Petersburg would continue for nine more months. 

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