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    History in 31st Jul

  • Ignatius of Loyola died

    Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, died.
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  • START I Signed

    President George Bush and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev sign the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) in Moscow. The treaty, first proposed by President Ronald Reagan, scaled back the nuclear arms race and placed limitations on nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles. 

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  • Ranger 7 photographs Moon

    American space probe Ranger 7 transmits detailed images of lunar surface back to Earth.

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  • George Thomas born

    Union General George Thomas is born in Southampton County, Virginia. A West Point graduate and veteran of the Seminole and Mexican-American Wars, Thomas remained in the U.S. Army following Virginia's secession. He distinguished himself in the Western Theater during the Civil War, saving the Army of the Cumberland at Chickamauga and earning the nickname, "The Rock of Chickamauga." 

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  • Andrew Johnson dies

    17th President Andrew Johnson dies in Elizabethton, Tennessee at 66.

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