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    History in 18th Nov

  • Alan Shepard born

    NASA astronaut and naval aviator Alan Shepard is born in Derry, New Hampshire. Shepard became the first American into space as the pilot of the Freedom 7 mission and later walked on the Moon during the Apollo 14 mission.

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  • Time Zones created

    American and Canadian railroad companies institute five North American time zones, beginning at noon. Railroad timetables were being disrupted by the thousands of local time zones in North America that all centered around high noon.

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  • Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty signed

    The United States and Panama sign the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, establishing American control over the Panama Canal Zone. The United States retained control of the Panama Canal until 1979, when President Jimmy Carter negotiated the gradual transition to Panamanian control.

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