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    History in 19th Nov

  • President Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address

    President Abraham Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address during the dedication of Gettysburg National Cemetery. In just over two minutes Lincoln pledges to uphold the virtues of the Declaration of Independence and preserve the Union.

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  • President Garfield born

    President James A. Garfield is born in Orange Township, Ohio. Garfield rose to the rank of Major General fighting in the Western Theater during the Civil War before being elected to the House of Representatives, where he served from 1863 until ascending to the presidency in 1881.

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  • Apollo 12 lands on the Moon

    Apollo 12 becomes the second American mission to land on the Moon. The mission, led by astronauts Pete Conrad, Alan L. Bean, and Richard F. Gordon, successfully obeserves the Surveyor 3 probe that had been analyzing the lunar surface. 

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