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    History in 25th Dec

  • Underwear bomb attempt

    Authorities arrest Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian national, after he attempted to detonate explosives concealed in his underwear while aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253. During the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, Abdulmutallab tried to ignite the explosives but was tackled and restrained by Jasper Schuringa, a Dutchman traveling on vacation.

  • Washington crosses the Delaware

    General George Washington leads a section of the Continental Army across the Delaware River to attack the Hessian garrison at Trenton. This risky and clandestine maneuver would allow Washington to surprise the Hessians on the morning of December 26, just after the soldiers had celebrated Christmas.

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  • Clara Barton born

    American nurse and humanitarian Clara Barton is born in Oxford, Massachusetts. First trained as a teacher, Barton cared for wounded soldiers during the Civil War, eventually running the Office of Missing Soldiers. Barton is perhaps best known as the founder of the American Red Cross.

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