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Nathan Ward

Nathan Ward is an author and journalist who served as an editor at American Heritage. In 2010 Ward published Dark Harbor: The War for the New York Waterfront. Ward frequently writes for The New York Times, and he lives in Brooklyn.

Articles by this Author

The Time Machine, April 1993 | Vol. 44, No. 2
Time Machine, November 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 7
Razors for the Front
The Fire
Time Machine, November 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 7
Superman Goes to War
Cool It for Carl
Time Machine, November 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 7
What We Have Here…
Why Were We in Vietnam?
Miss America Goes to War
Time Machine, September 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 5
The Deadly Center
Fighting’s Kinder, Gentler Era
East to the Slaughter
Time Machine, September 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 5
August Sleigh Bells
Time Machine, July/August 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 4
Time Machine, July/August 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 4
Other Fires
Time Machine, July/August 1992 | Vol. 43, No. 4