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    History in 3rd Nov

  • DC residents vote for the first time

    Resident of Washington D.C. vote for the first time in a presidential election, three years after the ratification of the 23rd Amendment. Incumbent President Lyndon Johnson would defeat Senator Barry Goldwater in a landslide.

  • Battle of Đắk Tô begins in South Vietnam

    The Battle of Đắk Tô begins in the Vietnamese Central Highlands as North Vietnamese units attack American and South Vietnamese forces. While the Vietnamese People's Army could not drive back the American forces, there were significant casualties on both sides.

  • Ash-Shiraa first reports Iran-Contra affair

    Ash-Shiraa, a Lebanese newspaper, reports the sale of American weapons to the Iranian government and the Nicaraguan Contras. According to the reports, the United States had sold weapons to Iran in order to secure the release of Americans held hostage in Lebanon by the terrorist organization Hezbollah.

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