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    History in 4th Nov

  • Iranians storm U.S. embassy in Tehran

    Iranian students loyal to Ayatollah Khomeini storm the American embassy in Tehran, taking 52 hostages. Khomeini had condemned the United States for supporting the deposed Iranian ruler, Shah Reza Pahlavi, and for accepting his entrance to the United States to undergo cancer treatment.

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  • NSA created

    National Security Agency (NSA) is founded by President Harry Truman. Currently headquartered at Fort Gordon G. Meade in Maryland, the NSA is one of the most important organizations in gathering and analyzing intelligence.

  • Walter Cronkite born

    Beloved journalist Walter L. Cronkite, Jr. is born in Saint Joseph. Missouri. Cronkite, the face of CBS Evening News from 1962 to 1981, reported on World War II, the Vietnam War, the Kennedy assassination, and major events of the U.S. space program. 

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