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Stories Published in this Year

Dearest Friends | October 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 6)

The courtship and fifty-four-year marriage of John and Abigail Adams was, despite separation and war and tragedy, a moving and highly literate love feast between two "Dearest Friends"

A Far-flung People | October 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 6)

The unique, durable culture of the Eskimo included settling arguments with song and sharimong friends

Two Argonnes | October 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 6)

Half a century later, an American writer in France tries to recapture the unforgettable experience of his father in the greatest battle fought by the doughboys “over there”

A Reasonable Doubt | October 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 6)

HISTORY AT MIDDLE DISTANCE The charge was rape. The accuser was a southern white woman, the accused were Negroes. But what kind of woman was Victoria Price? And what had really happened aboard that freight train?

The Awkward Interval | October 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 6)

Our antiquated elective system gives an outgoing President or congressman egregious opportunity for farewells—and mischief

Grant And The Politicians | October 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 6)

It was almost election time, the unpopular war was stalemated, the casualty lists were growing, and the President’s opponents cried “Peace!” Then the new commanding general moved with consummate political as well as military skill

With Al Smith its No. 1 booster, the Empire State Building rose amid the rubble of the Depression. Is its glory at an end?

The former Commander of the Allied Air Forces in the Mediterranean in 1944 repliles.

An Indian Captivity | August 1968 (Volume: 19, Issue: 5)

The kidnapped frontier woman might have thought twice about trying to escape had she known that what lay beyond—the way home—could be as dangerous as the Shawnees who held her

Just what moved those Revolutionary War officers to form the Society of the Cincinnati, America’s first veterans’ organization? Some said it was treason

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