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Stories Published in this Year

A Vivid Look at Early Football

Merci, America | October/november 1981 (Volume: 32, Issue: 6)

How a Whole Nation Said Thank You

He Never Got Hawaii out of His System

Everything depended on a French fleet leaving the Indies on time; two American armies meeting in Virginia on time; a French fleet beating a British fleet; a French army getting along with an American one; and a British general staying put.

From the End of the Earth to the Oval Office

Arkansas Encounter | October/november 1981 (Volume: 32, Issue: 6)

The Story Behind a Legend

“I’ll plan anything a man wants,” he said, “from a cathedral to a chicken coop.” The monumental results transformed American architecture

Benny Goodman | October/november 1981 (Volume: 32, Issue: 6)

An Interview With the King of Swing

American citizens held hostage by nationalist terrorists in a distant land. An aroused public calls for action. A cautious President seeks to avert violence. In 1901.

A veteran news correspondent recalls his days as a spotter plane pilot

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