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Thom Hatch is an award-winning author and biographer of Native American and American military history. His recently completed Osceola and the Great Seminole War: A Struggle for Freedom and Justice, was released

Hatch, Thom

Don Hausrath is a retired Foreigh Service officer who worked in China, the Soviet Union and other postings around the world. He is the author of From Agincourt to Zanzibar: A Where-in-the-World Guide to 300+

Hausrath, Don

Mrs. Haverstock, a free-lance writer on art, has just completed a biography of the painter George Catlin for young readers. It will be published next year.

Haverstock, Mary Sayre

Walter Havighurst got his able seaman’s papers working on Great Lakes boats and wrote The Long Ships Passing about them. He is a professor at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

Havighurst, Walter
Hawkins, Laurence Ashley is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hawkins, Laurence Ashley
Haydcn, Jay G. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Haydcn, Jay G.
Hayden, Jay G. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hayden, Jay G.

Kevin J. Hayes is emeritus professor of English at the University of Central Oklahoma. He is the author of George Washington: A Life in Books (Oxford), The Road to Monticello: The Life and Mind of Thomas

Hayes, Kevin  J.

Caitlin Hayes is a staff writer at Cornell University. Previously, she was an editor at Momentum Media and taught writing at Syracuse University.

Ms. Hayes has a masters degree in English from the

Hayes, Caitlin

Mrs. Hazelton has published essays, articles, and a children’s play on historical subjects. Quotations from Jefferson’s Day Book are reproduced by permission of the Huntington Library, San Marino, California

Hazelton, Jean Hanvey

—Lesley Hazleton, an automotive columnist for the Detroit Free Press , is the author of Driving to Detroit: An Automotive Odyssey .

Hazleton, Lesley
Head, Timothy is member for American Heritage site since 2013.
Head, Timothy

Gavan Daws is at work on a history of Honolulu which will be his doctoral dissertation at the University of Hawaii. Timothy Head is a research fellow with the East-West Center of the same institution.

Heap, Timothy

— William Least Heat-Moon’s book Columbus in the Americas was published this summer.

Heat-moon, William Least
Hedges, William S. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hedges, William S.
Heilbron, Bertha L. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Heilbron, Bertha L.

Dr. Robert L. Heilbroner is the author of The Worldly Philosophers, The Future as History , and The Great Ascent . For further reading: God’s Gold: The Story of Rockefeller and His Times , by John T.

Heilbroner, Robert L.

A native of Washington, D.C., and a fire buff of long standing, Colonel HeM witnessed the fire at the White House in 1929, when he was thirteen years old. After twenty-seven years in the Marine Corps, he

Heinl, Robert Debs

George M. Heinzman came across the personal accounts of the participants in the Battle of Beecher Island while doing research for his historical novel, Only the Earth and the Mountains , which was published

Heinzman, George M.

Robert Ferrell’s Harry S. Truman: A Life was published last year by the University of Missouri Press.

Heller, Francis H.

Geoffrey Hellman is well known to readers of The New Yorker, where his “profiles” and satirical pieces have appeared frequently for many years. He lives in New York City.

Hellman, Geoffrey T.

Jesse Helms, a Republican from North Carolina, is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This essay is adapted from an address given at the U.S. Capitol Historical Society’s recent dinner

Helms, Jesse

Mark Helprin’s novels include A Soldier of the Great War, Winter’s Tale , and Memoir From Antproof Case .

Helprin, Mark
Hemming, Charles C. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hemming, Charles C.

Mr. Henry is a professor of government and foreign affairs at the University of Virginia. He has been a consultant to various agencies of the federal government, and is the author of Presidential Transitions

Henry, Laurin L.

Tom Heppenheimer, an associate fellow at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is a free-lance writer. Dr. Heppenheimer received his Ph.D in aerospace engineering from the University of

Heppenheimer, T. A.
Herbes-sommers, Christine is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Herbes-sommers, Christine

Michele Herman is a New York freelancer who writes often about design.

Herman, Michele

—Paul Berman is the author of A Tale of Two Utopias: The Political Journey of the Generation of 1968 .

Herman, Paul

Lamar Herrin teaches English at Cornell; The Unwritten Chronicles of Robert E. Lee was published last year by St. Martin’s Press.

Herrin, Lamar

Stephen Hess, one of the foremost authorities on media and government in the United States, is a senior fellow emeritus in Governance Studies at The Brookings Institution. He first joined Brookings in 1972 and

Hess, Stephen
Heyman, Ken is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Heyman, Ken

Katie Hickman is the author of ten books. Her most recent work, Brave Hearted, was preceded by She-Merchants, Buccaneers and Gentlewomen: British Women in India 1600 - 1900 (published in 2019), and by the

Hickman, Katie

Mr. Hicks, an editor of Popular Mechanics , lives in Elmhurst, Illinois. He is the author of several juveniles, including Alvin’s Secret Code (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963). 97

Hicks, Clifford B.

Don Higginbotham is chairman of the history department at the University of North Carolina. His essay on Vietnam and the Revolution appeared in the October/November 1981 issue.

Higginbotham, Don

David Higgs is a photographer and journalist living in England.

Higgs, David
Highwater, Jamake is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Highwater, Jamake

As a historical researcher for over forty years, Michael Hill has assisted such authors as Michael Beschloss, Susan Eisenhower, Sebastian Junger, Michael Korda, David McCullough, Jon Meacham, and Nathaniel

Hill, Michael
Hill, Frank Ernest is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Hill, Frank Ernest

Ralph Nading Hill is a native Vermonter, a trustee of the Shelburne Museum, an editor of the state magazine Vermont Life , and author of Contrary Country, The Winooski (one of the Rivers of America series

Hill, Ralph Nading
Hillard, Christel is member for American Heritage site since 2016.
Hillard, Christel

Laura Hillenbrand is an American author best known for her first book, Seabiscuit: An American Legend, released in 2001. She won the William Hill Sports Book of the Year award for Seabiscuit, and its popularity

Hillenbrand, Laura

Anita W. Hinckley has lived in Rhode Island for eighty years, and with a wry Yankee wit remembers almost every minute of them. This is her first appearance in a national magazine.

Hinckley, Anita W.

Eric Hinderaker is Professor of History and Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Utah. His research explores early modern imperialism, relations between Europeans and Native Americans, and

Hinderaker, Eric

The author is senior historian at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. His most recent book is Emulation and Invention , published last year by New York University Press.

Hindle, Brooke

Thomas Hine is a writer on history, culture and design. He is the author of five books, including The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager. He contributes frequently to magazines, including The Magazine

Hine, Thomas

Robert V. Hine is a professor of history at the University of California at Riverside. This article is based on his book, Bartlett’s West , to be published shortly by the Yale University Press. The bulk of

Hine, Robert V.

Martin Hintz has written more than 80 books, along with dozens of magazine and newspaper articles about his home city of Milwaukee.

Hintz, Martin

Jessie Heckman Hirschl has reviewed books and contributed light verse to magazines. For the past ten years she has made a research hobby of collecting material on “the greatest of all fairs,” which in her

Hirschl, Jessie Heckman

Linda Hirshman is a lawyer, cultural historian, and author of several books, including Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment, Sisters in Law: How Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader

Hirshman, Linda

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