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Maass, John is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Maass, John

Thomas Macaren is a freelance writer and is currently at work on a book about films of the Cold War era.

Macaren, Thomas

Neill Macaulay (1935-2007) was a writer, professor and a former lieutenant in Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement Army. Macaulay authored books including: The Sandino Affair (1967), A Rebel in Cuba (1970).

Macaulay, Neill

Mr. Maccracken, who is a lawyer in Cleveland, was the author of “Althea and the Judges” in our June, 1963, issue.

Maccracken, Brooks W.

J. Tevere MacFadyen is the author of Gaining Ground: The Renewal of America’s Small Farms .

Macfadyen, Tevere
Mack, Elton is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Mack, Elton

A physicist, Charles Mack has worked for NA TO, the Mitre Corporation, and, for twenty years, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a specialist in Soviet and Chinese technology.

Mack, Charles

Mr. Mackintosh is a historian with the National Park Service in Washington, D.C.  He has written extensivly for the National Park Service and has published material on the history of the service itself, and

Mackintosh, Barry

Archibald MacLeish (1892–1982) won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1933 and 1953.  He was a veteran of World War I, former Librarian of Congress, and assistant secretary of state and cultural diplomat. As the 

MacLeish, Archibald

A recipient of many literary prizes and awards, Mr. MacLennan is one of Canada’s best-known writers as well as a professor at McGiIl University in Montreal. All of his novels, among which The Watch That Ends

Maclennan, Hugh

Neil MacNeil is a correspondent in the Washington bureau of Time magazine and is author of Forge of Democracy (David McKay Company, 1963), a history of the House of Representatives.

Macneil, Neil

Robert James Maddox is a professor of history at the Pennsylvania State University. His most recent book is Weapons for Victory: The Hiroshima Decision Fifty Years Later (University of Missouri Press,

Maddox, Robert James

Gerard N. Magliocca is the Samuel R. Rosen Professor at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, and the author of four books and over twenty articles on constitutional law and intellectual

Magliocca, Gerard N.

This is the second contribution to AMERICAN HERITAGE by Washington’s Senator Magnuson. His previous article, “Oneshot War with England,” appeared in the April, 1960, issue. For further reading: Westward

Magnuson, Warren G.

Dr. Magrath, a specialist in constitutional history, teaches political science at Brown University. His biography of the Chief Justice in the case of Munn v. Illinois, Morrison R. Waite: The Triumph of

Magrath, C. Peter

Pauline Maier was the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of American History at MIT. She primarily wrote on the American Revolution and Early Republic. Her book, American Scripture: Making the Declaration of

Maier, Pauline

Joyce Lee Malcolm is a historian and constitutional scholar specializing in British and Colonial American History.  Malcolm focuses on the development of individual rights and on war and society. She is the 

Malcolm, Joyce Lee
Maleska, Eugine T. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Maleska, Eugine T.
Maleska, Eugene T. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Maleska, Eugene T.
Mallon, Thomas is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Mallon, Thomas

Mary R. Maloney, a recent graduate of St. Joseph’s College in Emmitsburg, Maryland, is now an officer in the Navy, stationed at the Pentagon. Her article originally appeared in the Journal of the Lancaster

Maloney, Mary R.

Catherine Mambretti wrote “The Burden of the Ballot” while working toward her Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. Her dissertation (1979) was the first critical edition of the poetry of Katherine Philips (1632-

Mambretti, Catherine Cole

Peter C. Mancall is a Professor of History and Anthropology at the University of Southern California, and the Director of the USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute. He specializes in early American

Mancall, Peter C.

William Manchester lives in Middletown, Connecticut. His works have ranged from studies of John F. Kennedy and Douglas MacArthur to a history of the United States from the Great Depression to Watergate. The

Manchester, William

Charles C. Mann is a journalist and the author of 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (Vintage Books), which won the National Academies Communication Award for the best book of the year. A

Mann, Charles C.

The idea of writing a book on the friendship between T.R. and Taft came to William Manners via his wife, who was doing research in the period. Although he has never written history before, he is a

Manners, William

Daniel P. Mannix (1911-1997) had nearly as many adventures as an Oz character: they range from sword-swallowing in a sideshow to hunting and photographing big game in Africa. His best-known works are the 1958

Mannix, Daniel P.

This article is excerpted from The Old Navy by Daniel P. Mannix 3d and edited by Daniel P, Mannix 4th. The book will be published by Macmillan this fall.

Mannix 3d, Daniel P.

Howard Mansfield is a free-lance writer who lives in New Ipswich, New Hampshire. He is co-author of a book tentatively entitled The Weekend Naturalist , to be published by Prentice-Hall Press in 1987.

Mansfield, Howard

Lance Corporal Shane Manson served at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, S.C. specializing in photography.

Manson, Shane

David Maraniss is an associate editor at The Washington Post. He is the winner of the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting and has been a Pulitzer finalist two other times for his journalism and again for

Maraniss, David

Mr. Marberry is a New York free-lance writer who has contributed to HORIZON as well as to AMERICAN HERITAGE .

marberry, M. M.

This article is a chapter from a book, Lola Montez in America , to be published next fall. Mr. Marberry lives in New York, is author of Splendid Poseur , a biography of Joaquin Miller, and The Golden Voice

Marberry (AH), M. M.

Roland Marchand is a professor of history at the University of California, Davis. This article is adapted from his book, Advertising the American Dream , to be published by the University of California Press

Marchand, Roland

Jack Marck is a retired history and geography teacher living in Bel Air, Maryland.

Marck, Jack
Marcot, Molly is member for American Heritage site since 2012.
Marcot, Molly

A television show based on John Margolies’s book Fun Along the Road: American Tourist Attractions will run on the History Channel this summer.

Margolies, John

John F. Mariani is a writer and food critic and the author of The Dictionary of American Food and Drink .

Mariani, John F.

—Paul Mariani is a poet and author whose most recent biography is The Broken Tower: A Life of Hart Crane .

Mariani, Paul

John Mariani, food critic and historian (and author of many books, including The Encyclopedia of American Food & Drink, which contains 500 classic recipes—among them an unsurpassable one for chicken pot

Mariani, John

Dr. Mark Callaghan is an art historian, lecturer, and resident historian for Viking Cruises. He specializes in the memorialization of conflict and trauma, and his monograph, Empathetic Memorials, is published

Mark Callaghan, Mark

Alice Goldfarb Marquis was a cultural historian and journalist who wrote eight books, including Alfred H. Barr Jr: Missionary to the Modern, a revealing biography of the long-time director of the Museum of

Marquis, Alice Goldfarb

Dana P. Marriott wrote the article "When Christmas Was Banned in Boston" featured in the December 1967 issue of American Heritage. It discusses a 1659 law in Massachusetts that prevented any celebration of the

Marriott, Dana P.
Marryat, Captain Frederick is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Marryat, Captain Frederick

Mr. Penick is an associate professor of history at Loyola University in Chicago. He encountered Marsh’s uncompleted autobiography, of which this article is a fragment, m the O. C. Marsh Papers at the Tale

Marsh, Othniel C.

Megan Marshall is writing a biography of the Peabody sisters to be published by Houghton Mifflin. She wishes to thank the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Pierpont Morgan Library, and the Henry W. and

Marshall, Megan

Brigadier General Samuel Lyman Atwood "SLAM" Marshall served in both world wars. During the Second World War he was the Army’s chief historian in the European theater.

Gen. Marshall wrote many books of

Marshall, S. L. A.

D. M. Marshman, Jr., is a former journalist, screenwriter, and advertising executive who is now director of information for The Campaign for Yale, the largest ($370 million) private fundraising effort ever

Marshman,, D. M.

John F. Marszalek, Jr., teaches history at Gannon College, Erie, Pennsylvania. This article resulted from research for a book on the life of Cadet Whittaker that is nearing completion. Professor Marszalek

Marszalek,, John F.

Rebecca Martin is a free-lance writer in New York City with an interest in decorative arts.

Martin, Rebecca

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