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O-jib-wa, is member for American Heritage site since 2011.

Geoffrey O’Brien is editor in chief of the Library of America. His recent books include The Phantom Empire (Norton, 1993) and The Times Square Story (Norton, 1998).

O’Brien, Geoffrey

Robert L. O’Connell is an intelligence analyst with the U.S. Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is the author of Of Arms and Men: A History of War, Weapons, and

O’connell, Robert L.

Richard O'Connor (1915-1975) was the author of 21 books including Thomas, Rock of Chickamauga (1948), Jack London: A Biography (1964), Young Bat Masterson (1967), Iron Wheels and Broken Men: The Railroad Barons

O’connor, Richard

Copyright © 1958 by Leonard Wibberley. By permission of Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York. Leonard P. Wibberley was born in Dublin but has spent much of his adult life in America, fifteen years of it as a

O’connor Wibberley, Leonard Patrick

Joe O'Donnell (1922-2007) served as a combat photographer in the United States Marines during World War II, eventually receiving orders to photograph Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo shortly after the final

O’Donnell, Joe

A former New York newspaperman and CBS Radio executive news editor, Mr. O’Flaherty now resides in Richmond, Va., and is working on a book about blockade running.

O’flaherty, Daniel
O’keefe, Deborah is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
O’keefe, Deborah

Stephen B. Oates is the author of sixteen books, including With Malice Toward None: A Life of Abraham Lincoln and Let the Trumpet Sound: A Life of Martin Luther King, Jr., both recipients of the Robert F.

Oates, Stephen B.

—David Obst is the author of the memoir Too Good to Be Forgotten: Changing America in the ’60s and ’70s .

Obst, David
Oettinger, Elizabeth is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Oettinger, Elizabeth

Ed Offley has worked as a military reporter and editor since 1981, including for The Ledger-Star in Norfolk, Virginia, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the online newspaper, DefenseWatch at Soldiers

Offley, Ed

A frequent contributor to AMERICAN HERITAGE , Charlton Ogburn has written several books on North America, the most recent being The Southern Appalachians: A Wilderness Quest (William Morrow, 1975).

Ogburn, Charlton

Charlton Ogburn, Jr., is now at work on The Continent in our Hands , a first-person narrative of discovery of the country’s natural splendors and of what he believes confronts them.

Ogburn,, Charlton

—Bruce Olds is the author of the novels Raising Holy Hell , about John Brown, and the recently published Bucking the Tiger .

Olds, Bruce

Thomas Oliphant is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and Washington columnist for The Boston Globe. He is the author of four books, including The Road to Camelot.

Al Franken says “Oliphant brings more

Oliphant, Thomas
Olmsted, Roger R. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Olmsted, Roger R.

Kathryn S. Olmsted is a member of the history department at the University of California, Davis, where she has taught since 1993. A 1985 graduate of Stanford University, she gained her PhD in 1993 from the

Olmsted, Kathryn S.

Admiral Olsen was a career US Navy officer who helped deliver naval vessels to the Russians during World War II and was a member of the American staff at the Yalta talks. He also served as Commandant of the

Olsen, Adm C. E.

Lynne Olson is a freelance writer in Washington, D.C.

Olson, Lynne

PETER S. ONUF is the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Professor of History, Emeritus, at the University of Virginia, where he has taught for more than twenty years. Onuf is also Senior Fellow at Monticello’

Onuf, Peter

George Oppenheimer, drama critic, screenwriter, playwright, and author of several books, was a frequent guest at the Garden of Allah. For further reading: The Garden of Allah , by Sheila Graham (Crown, 1970

Oppenheimer, George

Robert Garth Scott is the editor of Forgotten Valor: The Memoirs, Journals and Civil War Letters of Maj. Gen. Orlando Bolivar Willcox , to be published next fall by Kent State University Press.

Orlando Bolivar Willcox, First Lieutenant

Paul Ortiz is a professor of history at the University of Florida and director of the award-winning Samuel Proctor Oral History Program. His book, An African American and Latinx History of the United States was

Ortiz, Paul
Osborne, Lukas is member for American Heritage site since 2016.
Osborne, Lukas

David Oshinsky, winner of the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Polio: An American Story, holds the Jack S. Blanton chair in history at the University of Texas at Austin and is a distinguished scholar in residence at

Oshinsky, David

Peter Osnos is an American journalist and the founder of PublicAffairs Books, which specializes in subjects such as journalism, history, biography and social criticism. Osnos founded the company in 1997, after

Osnos, Peter

James L. Swanson is a Lincoln collector and writes about the Presidents, copyright law, the entertainment industry, and the First Amendment. Lloyd Ostendorf, a Lincoln artist and collector, is the author of

Ostendorf, Lloyd
Ostrander, Gilman M. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Ostrander, Gilman M.
Ostrander, Oilman M. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Ostrander, Oilman M.

Fulton Oursler, Jr., a freelance writer, was formerly deputy editor in chief of Reader’s Digest . This article is adapted from Magic Man , a memoir he is writing about his father.

Oursler,, Fulton

Richard Overy is a honorary professor at the University of Exeter and a leading English historian of World War II. His books include 1939: Countdown to War; The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia;

Overy, Richard

William A. Owens is associate professor of English at Columbia University and director of the Oral History of Texas Oil Pioneers at the University of Texas. He is the author of Slave Mutiny: The Revolt on the

Owens, William A.

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