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Ben Yagoda is the movie critic of the Philadelphia Daily News . His last article for American Heritage , a history of Tin Pan Alley , appeared in the October 1983 issue.

Yagoda, Ben

Jonathan Yardley is a book critic and columnist for The Washington Post . He is the author of Ring: A Biography of Ring Lardner , and in 1981 he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism

Yardley, Jonathan

Brock Yates is editor-at-large for Car and Driver ; his most recent book is the just-published Outlaw Machine: Harley-Davidson and the Search for the American Soul (Little, Brown).

Yates, Brock

Carol Lynn Yellin is a free-lance writer and an editorial consultant for the Center for Southern Folklore in Memphis, Tennessee,

Yellin, Carol Lynn
Daniel H. Yergin is the co-founder and chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, an energy research consultancy, and a noted author, speaker, and economic researcher.  
Yergin is best known
Yergin, Daniel

Ed Yoder won the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing in 1979. He has been a columnist for The Washington Post since 1982, and before that was an editorial writer for various newspapers including the Charlotte

Yoder, Edwin M.

Nancy Yos lives in Lansing, Illinois, and writes for Commentary magazine.

Yos, Nancy

After Pearl Harbor, Seaman Young was assigned to the U.S.S. Honolulu and served in the Guadalcanal and New Georgia campaigns. Later, commissioned in the Naval Reserve, he returned to action in the Korean War

Young, Stephen Bower

Bob Yuhnke is a writer and environmental policy analyst who currently serves as co-chair of the transportation subcommittee at the US Climate Action Network. Previously, he helped lead the fight for clean air

Yuhnke, Bob

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