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Neal Gabler is the author of An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood. His Winchell: Gossip, Power and the Culture of Celebrity has just been published by Knopf.

Gabler, Neal

—John Kenneth Galbraith’s new book is Letters to Kennedy .

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Robert S. Gallagher, (1934-2002) was frequent contributor to American Heritage , and the editor of the Green Bay Press-Gazette in the 1970's and 1980's. After retiring in 1996, Gallagher returned to

Gallagher, Robert S.

Mr. Gallagher, an established writer of both fiction and nonfiction, discovered the gruesome events described above while doing research for a history of Columbia University’s College of Physicians and

Gallagher, Thomas

Thanks to James H. Bunn, Walter Burns, James M. ElHs, Emmett W. Fowler, Jr., I.J. Galantin (from Take Her Deep! ), Pips and Ruth Harris, William Herring, Harold Lang, and Stan Valentine for their remembrances

Galvani, William

Richard M. Gamble is a professor of history and holds the Anna Margaret Ross Alexander Chair in History and Politics at Hillsdale College.

His most recent book is the first intellectual and religious

Gamble, Richard M.

Virginia Leddy Gambrell was and archivist and museum director. Born in Greenville, Texas, she attended the University of Texas, where she earned a bachelor of arts degree, and then enrolled in Southern

Gambrell, Virginia Leddy
Garcia, Andrew is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Garcia, Andrew

Wayne Gard is an editorial writer for the Dallas Morning News and a contributor to various magazines. He is the author of four books; the most recent is The Chisholm Trial .

Gard, Wayne

Richard M. Gardella is of counsel at the firm of Bertine, Hufnagel, Headley, Zeltner, Drummond, and Dohn in Scarsdale, New York.  A former journalist, Mr. Gardella is editor-in-chief of Westchester Lawyer, the

Gardella, Richard M.

Mark Lee Gardner is the author of To Hell on a Fast Horse and Shot All to Hell, which received multiple awards, including a Spur Award from Western Writers of America.

An authority on the American West,

Gardner, Mark Lee

COPYRIGHT © 1973 BY JOSEPH L. GARDNER Roosevelt indeed had some political weight in the United States—and an interesting few years ahead. Although he declined the Bull Moose nomination for governor of New York

Gardner, Joseph L.

Martin Gardner, who writes a, column on mathematical games in the Scientific American, has annotated several well-loved texts, most notably Alice in Wonderland (The Annotated Alice) . His newest contribution

Gardner, Martin

The late John A. Garraty was one of America’s foremost historians, a Contributing Editor of American Heritage for nearly 30 years, and Chairman of the History Department of Columbia University, where he taught

Garraty, John A.

Elisabeth Donaghy Garrett is director of Sotheby’s Educational Studies in New York City.

Garrett, Elisabeth Donaghy

text TK

Garrett, Wilbur
Garrett, Richard B. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Garrett, Richard B.

Michael Gartner is an author, journalist, lawyer, businessman, and third generation newspaperman. In 1997, he won the Pulitzer Prize for editorials about community issues that he wrote for the Daily Tribune,

Gartner, Michael
Gates, Frederick T. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Gates, Frederick T.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, and the director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research. He recently completed

Gates, Henry  Louis

General Gavin commanded the famous 82nd Airborne Division during World War II. His On to Berlin, from which AMERICAN HERITAGE excerpted a section in our April/May, 1978, issue, was published last year.

Gavin, James M.

Timothy Gay is a Senior Strategist at LEVICK Communications and an author writing about a variety of topics from military to baseball history.

Mr. Gay's books on American cultural history include:

Gay, Timothy

Rear Adm. Leslie E. Gehres was the World War ll captain of the aircraft carrier Franklin, the “ship that would not die.”

Gehres, Leslie E.

Marvin Gelfand (d. 2011) was a historian of New York City life. Born in Brooklyn, he lectured, consulted and led walking tours about the city of New York and for many years.

Gelfand, Marvin

Mark Gelfand has long served as a professor of history at Boston College, focusing on issues of modern American urban development and policy. He is the author of A Nation of Cities: The Federal Government and

Gelfand, Mark I.

Mr. Genini teaches California history at a Fresno high school and has published several articles on California history topics.

Genini, Ron
Geracimos, Ann is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Geracimos, Ann

Nat Gertler, a freelance writer, is the founder and author of, a comprehensive resource for Peanuts collectors and fans. Gertler is an avid Charles Schultz fan, and has appeared in numerous theatre

Gertler, Nat

Robert Gessner, processor of motion pictures at New York University, has also been a screen writer, novelist, and poet. He is president of the newly organized Society of Cinematologists, devoted to the study

Gessner, Robert
Geyer, Georgie Anne is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Geyer, Georgie Anne

D. M. Giangreco is an award-winning author of 12 books on military and sociopolitical subjects. His works include The Soldier from Independence: A Military Biography of Harry Truman, Delta: America’s Elite

Giangreco, D. M.

Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith is a novelist, a curator in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, and one of the world’s leading aeronautical historians.

Gibbs-smith, Charles H.

Christine Gibson is a freelance writer and editor who previously worked as an assistant editor at American Heritage.  After her time at American Heritage, Gibson wrote Extreme Wonders: Natural Disasters in 2007

Gibson, Christine

Gary Giddins’s book Visions of Jazz: The First Century is now out in paperback from Oxford University Press.

Giddins, Gary

Mr. Gies is Senior Editor/Technology for Encyclopedia Britannica . Among his books are Bridges and Men (Doubleday, 1963) and Adventures Underground (Thomas Y. Crowell). His sources for this article

Gies, Joseph

Richard Gilman, a free-lance writer living in New York City, is a contributor to HORIZON, The Commonweal , and other magazines, and writes frequently for television. For further reading: The James Family

Gilman, Richard

Congressman Newt Gingrich served as Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999, having represented Georgia's Sixth District in Congress for 20 years. He is famous for co-authoring the "Contract

Gingrich, Newt

George Gipe is the documentary editor for WMAR-TV in Baltimore. He has been a Fulbright scholar, a free-lance writer, and a producer of numerous documentary programs for television. For further reading: Coxey

Gipe, George A.
Gladd, Tom is member for American Heritage site since 2016.
Gladd, Tom

Brent D. Glass is Director Emeritus of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, the world’s largest museum devoted to telling the story of America. A national leader in the preservation,

Glass, Brent

Gene Gleason, a free-lance writer from Westbury, New York, has published three books. He has made an extensive study of the Adams family.

Gleason, Gene

C. V. Glines, who retired from the Air Force as a colonel after twenty-seven years of service, is associate editor of Armed Forces Management and the author of many books about flying. He collaborated with

Glines, C. V.

Grace Glueck has been an art reporter, reviewer, and columnist for the New York Times for many years.

Photo by John Sotomayor, courtesy of Journalism & Women Symposium

Glueck, Grace

Richard Godbeer is the Charles W. Battey Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Kansas, where his research focuses on witchcraft, religious culture, gender, and sexuality in colonial and

Godbeer, Richard

William H. Goetzmann is professor of history and director of the American Studies Program at the I mvernty of Texas. His book, Exploration and Empire, won a Puht^er Prize m /967, and he is currently working

Goetzmann, William H.

Harry Golden is editor of the Carolina Israelite in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the author of Only in America, For ¢24 Plain , and Enjoy, Enjoy .

Golden, Harry

Stephen J. Goldfarb is on the staff of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library in Atlanta, Georgia.

Goldfarb, Stephen J.

Eric Frederick Goldman (1916 – 1989) was an American historian and a Rollins Professor of History at Princeton University, He was special advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1963 to 1966, and served as

Goldman, Eric F.

Ezra Goldstein is a writer who grew up in Zanesville.

Goldstein, Ezra

Terry Golway is an author and historian whose books include Washington's General: Nathanael Green and the Triumph of the American Revolution, The Irish in America, For the Cause of Liberty, and So That Others

Golway, Terry

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