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Karen Ordahl Kupperman is Associate Professor of History at the University of Connecticut. Her book Roanoke: The Abandoned Colony was published by Rowman & Allanheld last year. She will take part in a

Kupperman, Karen Ordahl

Wilbur G. Kurtz, artist and historian, is the leading authority on the Battle of Atlanta. In 1934–36 he supervised the restoration of the Cyclorama painting.

Kurtz, Wilbur G.

Henry I. Kurtz is coauthor, with Burtt Ehrlich, of the forthcoming book The Art of the Toy Soldier and serves as a lead-soldier specialist for Phillips, the New York City auction house.

Kurtz, Henry I.

Keith Kyle is Washington correspondent of The Economist , of London. He took his degree in history at Oxford, where he studied under A. J. P. Taylor. This article is taken from a talk he gave over the B.B.C

Kyle, Keith

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