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Stuart Leuthner designs Chronos , the magazine for the connoisseur of fine timepieces. His latest book, Starlight on the Rails , will be published next year by HarperCollins.

Leuthner, Stuart

Richard Levick, Esq., is Chairman and CEO of LEVICK, a strategic communications firm, and a frequent television, radio, online, and print commentator. He hosts regular podcasts in partnership with major

Levick, Richard

Alexandra Lee Levin, granddaughter of Fanny Knight, lives in Baltimore. She is now at work on a study of English women playwrights of the eighteen century.

Levin, Alexandra Lee

Mr. Levine, an associate professor of history at Berkeley, is the author of Defender of the Faith , a study of William Jennings Bryan (1965), and co-editor of The Shaping of Twentieth Century America (

Levine, Lawrence W.

David Levine is a freelance writer whose work has been published in the New York Times, American Heritage, Sports Illustrated and many other publications. He is a contributing writer at Hudson Valley Magazine,

Levine, David
Levins, Lawrence W. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Levins, Lawrence W.

Robert A. Levy is chairman of the board of the Cato Institute and the organizer and financial backer behind District of Columbia v. Heller, the landmark 2008 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that the

Levy, Robert A.
Lewis, R. W. B. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Lewis, R. W. B.

Before becoming a professor of business history at the University of Michigan in 1966, David L. Lewis spent twelve years on the public relations staffs of Borden’s, Ford, and General Motors. He has published

Lewis, David L.

JAMES E. LEWIS, JR., is professor of history at Kalamazoo College. His books include The Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson’s Noble Bargain? and John Quincy Adams: Policymaker for the Union.

Lewis, James E.

Michael Lewis, a senior editor at The New Republic and the author of Liar’s Poker , has just finished his first novel, The Troublemaker.

Lewis, Michael M.
Leyburn, James G. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Leyburn, James G.

Philip H. Liberman, M.D. New York, N.Y.

Liberman, Philip H.

Grace Lichtenstein is the Rocky Mountain correspondent for the New York Times .

Lichtenstein, Grace

Allan J. Lichtman is Distinguished Professor of History at American University, where he has taught since 1973.  Holding a B.A .magna cum laude from Brandeis University, he received his PhD from Harvard

Lichtman, Allan J.

Sir Basil (known as Capt. B.H. Littell Hart before he was knighted in 1966) was one of the 20th Century's foremost authorities on military tactics and strategy, and especially on mechanized warfare. After being

Liddell Hart, Basil Henry

In addition to his writing, Michael S. Lief works as a senior deputy district attorney in Southern California. He co-authored The Devil's Advocates with H. Mitchell Caldwell in 2007 after previously writing And

Lief, Michael S.
Ligion, Cornelia Barrett is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Ligion, Cornelia Barrett

Paul R. Lilly has been a schoolteacher, a parole officer, and a construction worker in West Virginia. Now retired, he lives in Lewisburg.

Lilly, Paul R.

Eric Lindner is an attorney and businessman, and the author of Tiger in the Sea: The Ditching of Flying Tiger 923 and the Desperate Struggle for Survival, which tells the harrowing story of a flight piloted by

Lindner, Eric

David Lindsay is the author of Madness in the Making: The Triumphant Rise and Untimely Fall of America’s Show Inventors (Kodansha International, 1997).

Lindsay, David

Les Line is editor of Audubon , the magazine of the National Audubon Society, and is writing books on The World of the Nature Photographer and on the history and natural history of the Great Lakes region

Line, Les

Richard Lingeman, executive editor of The Nation , is author of Don’t You Know There’s a War On? , Small Town America , and a two-volume biography of Dreiser.

Lingeman, Richard

Andro Linklater’s book Measuring America: How an Untamed Wilderness Shaped the United States and Fulfilled the Promise of Democracy is being published in November by Walker & Company.

Linklater, Andro

The late Robert N. Linscott, a former editor of Random House, had retired to a farmstead in Ashfield, Massachusetts, when, in 1960, he first encountered the papers of Sylvester Judd. This article was sent to

Linscott, Robert N.
Little, Donald G. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Little, Donald G.

A former resident of Concord, David B. Little now lives in Salem, Massachusetts, where he is director of the noted Essex Institute, which operates a historical museum, research library, and five houses that

Little, David B.

Leon Litwack is the A.F. and May T. Morrison Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley, former president of the Organization of American Historians (OAH, and Pulitzer-prize winning author.

Litwack, Leon F.

Ray Locker is the author of Haig's Coup: How Richard Nixon's Closest Aide Forced Him from Office and Nixon's Gamble: How a President’s Own Secret Government Destroyed His Administration.

Previously, he

Locker, Ray

Heather Lockman is a freelance writer who continues to volunteer at the Bigelow House Museum and frequently teaches workshops on historic home preservation.

The Bigelow House is open on weekends

Lockman, Heather
Loehr, Marcel is member for American Heritage site since 2016.
Loehr, Marcel

James L. Loewen is a sociologist, professor, and author whose best-known work is Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, published in 1995. It has sold a reported 1,500,000

Loewen, James W.
Loffelbein, Professor is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Loffelbein, Professor

Andy Logon is a New Yorker writer who, incidentally, voted happily for both Jack and Bobby Kennedy.

Logan, Andy

Mr. Lomask was the author of Beauty and the Traitor: The Story of Mrs. Benedict Arnold. Other books by Mr. Lomask include The Curé of Ars (1958), John Carroll, Bishop and Patriot (1956), St. Augustine and His

Lomask, Milton

Alfred F. Loomis, associate editor of Yachting magazine and of the English publication Yachts and Yachting , has been writing about sailing since 1912. Among his many books are Ocean Racing and (with

Loomis, Alfred F.

—Phillip Lopate’s latest essay collection is a volume of film criticism, Totally, Tenderly, Tragically . He teaches at Hofstra University.

Lopate, Phillip
Lopez, Ennque Hank is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Lopez, Ennque Hank

Enrique Hank Lopez is a free-lance writer as well as an international lawyer. He is currently working on a book about Harvard University.

Lopez, Enrique Hank
Lorant, Stefan is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Lorant, Stefan

Mr. Lord is a British writer-producer currently working in New York City for NBC-TV News. He wrote and produced a documentary called Four Days to Omaha , which was televised by NBC in 1968 and which will be

Lord, John

The Titanic is Walter Lord’s hobby and passion; he has been in touch with over 100 survivors, rescuers and others connected with the disaster and sifted out all the conflicting evidence and legend. On such

Lord, Walter

Robert Love is the Managing Editor of Rolling Stone.

Love, Robert

Sylvia Lovegren is the author of Fashionable Food: Seven Decades of Food Fads (Hungry Minds, 1995).

Lovegren, Sylvia

Frances Low, wife of New York City Councilman Robert Low, is a freelance writer living in New York. Among her sources for this article was Empire State, A Pictorial Record of Its Construction , by Vernon H.

Low, Frances
Lowe, David G. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Lowe, David G.

David Lowe, a former editor of AMERICAN HERITAGE , is now a free-lance writer and frequent contributor to our pages. He is currently at work on a book for Houghton Mifflin about great Chicago architecture

Lowe, David

Sara Lowen is the associate editor of Baltimore magazine.

Lowen, Sara
Lubet, Steven is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Lubet, Steven

David M. Ludlum is a meteorologist and the author of many books and articles on weather. His most recent, The Nantucket Weather Book , has just been published by the Nantucket Historical Association.

Ludlum, David M.

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