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Dr. Weir, who teaches history at the University of South Carolina, is currently working on a book about the American Revolution in that state.

Weir, Robert M.

Barbara Weisberg is the author of Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism, a nonfiction account of the lives of the two charismatic young progenitors of modern Spiritualism in the

Weisberg, Barbara M.

Bernard A. Weisberger, distinguished former history professor of Wayne State University and the Universities of Chicago and Rochester, was the associate editor of American Heritage from 1970 to 1972. He 

Weisberger, Bernard A.
Weiss, David is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Weiss, David

Arnold Welles is a great-great-grandson of Samuel Slater. Graduated from Yale with honors in American history, he is now in the investment business and divides his time between Savannah, Georgia, and

Welles, Arnold

Peter Welsh is a curator at the Smithsonian Institution. He has just completed a book on the trotter in America.

Welsh, Peter C.

Michael F. Wendland is a free-lance writer and an investigative reporter for the television station WDIV in Detroit.

Wendland, Michael F.

James W. Wensyel retired with the rank of colonel after a career in the U.S. Army.

Wensyel, James W.

Caroline E. Werkley is a research librarian in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. A longer version of her article appeared earlier in The Journal of Library History .

Werkley, Caroline E.

M. R. Werner—journalist; biographer of Bryan, Barnum, and Brigham Young; author of a history of Tammany Hall—has contributed frequently to the New Yorker (among other magazines) and is a close student of

Werner, M. R.

Robert Wernick, formerly on the staff of Life, now lives in California. He is the author of many magazine articles and two novels. The epitaph on page in is from Over Their Dead Bodies: Yankee Epitaphs

Wernick, Robert

Elliott West, a professor of history at the University of Arkansas, is now at work on a book about children of the frontier.

West, Elliott

Alan F. Westin is an associate professor of public law and government at Columbia University. He is at present working on a biography of Justice John Marshall Harlan—who, incidentally., was the grandfather of

Westin, Alan F.

—Donald E. Westlake is the author of the Dortmunder series of crime novels. His most recent book is The Ax .

Westlake, Donald E.

W. D. Wetherell is a noted author best known for his novels, short stories, and nonfiction books on fly fishing and New England. His short stories have been published in the New England Review, the Kenyon

Wetherell, W. D.

In 1972, Richard Wheeler became a book editor for a number of publishers, most notably Walker & Company. Inspired by both the westerns he was editing, Richard Wheeler penned his first novel, Bushwhack, for

Wheeler, Richard

Richard S. Wheeler is the author of the novel An Obituary for Major Reno , and of Eclipse: A Novel of Lewis and Clark .

Wheeler, Richard S.

Addison Beecher Colvin Whipple is a historian and author who has written largely about oceanic subjects since the mid-1950s. He was an executive editor at Time-Life Books and before that an associate editor

Whipple, A. B. C.

Ian Whitcomb is an English entertainer, singer-songwriter, record producer, and actor. He has written several books on popular music, beginning with After the Ball, published by Penguin Books (Britain) and

Whitcomb, Ian
White, Richard is member for American Heritage site since 2012.
White, Richard

Bill White is currently chairman of Houston Banking and senior advisor for Lazard, a firm advising corporate executives, boards, and governments throughout the world.

Mr. White served as mayor of Houston

White, Bill
White, Irma Reed is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
White, Irma Reed

John I. White (1902-1992) was a writer, singer of cowboy songs, radio personality, and map draftsman. His singing career culminated when he played his guitar and sang as "The Lonesome Cowboy" on the NBC radio

White, John I.
White, John H. is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
White, John H.

After the Civil War broke out in 1861, Edward White enlisted in the Confederate army. Little is known of his activities other than that he served as a captain on the staff of Brigadier General Thomas L.

White, Edward

Roger B. White is with the Division of Transportation of the National Museum of American History, in Washington, which recently opened an exhibition entitled “At Home on the Road: Autocamping, Motels, and the

White, Roger B.

Ronald C. White, Jr., is the author of The Eloquent President: A Portrait of Lincoln Through His Words and Lincoln’s Greatest Speech: The Second Inaugural .

White,, Ronald C.

—John H. White, Jr., is a professor of history at Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio, and is former curator of transportation at the National Museum of American History.

White,, John H.

Mr. Whitehill is the director and librarian of the noted Boston Athenaeum. This article originally appeared in The Times Literary Supplement of London.

Whitehill, Walter Muir

Flint Whitlock is a military historian and the Editor of WWII Quarterly magazine.

After 30 years in the advertising world, Flint Whitlock decided to switch careers and follow his passion: history,

Whitlock, Flint

Ralph Whitney, ex-naval officer, former magazine art editor, and steady contributor to ship periodicals, is now at work on a biography of E. K. Collins, to be published this fall.

Whitney, Ralph

Arnold Whitridge was master of Calhoun College and professor of history at Yale until 1942. His latest book, Simon Bolivar, the Great Liberator , appeared last year.

Whitridge, Arnold

Richard Whittle is the author of Predator: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution and of The Dream Machine: The Untold History of the Notorious V-22 Osprey. A former Global Fellow in International Security

Whittle, Richard

—Tom Wicker is the author most recently of Easter Lilly: A Novel of the South Today .

Wicker, Tom

Steve Wiegand is an award-winning journalist and history writer. His 35-year journalism career was spent at the San Diego Evening Tribune, where he was chief political writer; San Francisco Chronicle, where he

Wiegand, Steve

Henry Wiencek is writing a book about the legacy of slavery.

Wiencek, Henry

Alan Wiener, an attorney who has been studying the DD Tanks for more than ten years, recently completed a book-length manuscript on the subject.

Wiener, Alan D.

Frederick Bernays Wiener was the author of “Our Fumbling Foes of ’76” in the April issue of AMERICAN HERITAGE this year. A lawyer for over forty years and a retired colonel, he was recently awarded the Army’

Wiener, Frederick Bernays

New York 4th March 1865 [Signed] STILLMAN K. WIGHTMAN

Wightman, S. K.

—Max WiIk wrote for the screen and television in its golden age and is the author of many books, most recently a history of Hollywood writers, Schmucks With Underwoods .

Wilk, Max

Curtis Wilkie is a journalist, college professor and historian of the American South. He was the longtime Southern bureau chief for the Boston Globe, and is now a Fellow of the Overby Center for Southern

Wilkie, Curtis

Considered one of the most influential journalists since World War II, George F. Will is a syndicated columnist, a television news analyst, and the author of several books, most recently One Man's America: The

Will, George F.
Willcox, Orlando Bolivar is member for American Heritage site since 2011.
Willcox, Orlando Bolivar

The author of several books and many articles, Mr. Williams is currently writing a book on Golden Gate Bridge suicides.

Williams, Roger M.

Frank J. Williams Chief Justice Supreme Court of Rhode Island

Williams, Frank J.

R. Hal Williams (1941-2016) earned his bachelor’s degree in history from Princeton University Phi Beta Kappa in 1963 and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University in 1964 and 1968, respectively.  He was

Williams, R. Hal

An authority on the Civil War, T. Harry Williams is professor of history at Louisiana State University. His most recent book was the best-selling Lincoln and His Generals .

Williams, T. Harry

Juan Williams is political analyst for Fox News Channel and the author of Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years, 1954–1965 (1987), a companion to the documentary series of the same name about the

Williams, Juan

Garry Wills has authored many books that study George Washington, Richard Nixon, the Kennedy family, Ronald Reagan, and religion in America. He has won many literary awards including, the 1993 Pulitzer Prize

Wills, Garry

Ellen Wilson teaches a course in children’s literature at Indiana University. She is the author of several books for children, the two most recent being Ernie Pyle: Boy From Back Home and, in collaboration

Wilson, Ellen

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